full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Ma Yansong: Urban architecture inspired by mountains, clouds and volcanoes

Unscramble the Blue Letters

A cnesihe art critic drew this painting. He put our building in this painting. Can you see there's a black, tiny mountain? That looks very fit into this painting. However, in this reality, our design was being challenged that it looks so different from the surroundings. And they asked me to modify my design, either color or saphe, to make the biuidlng fit the context better. So my question was, why it fits this traditional, you know, natural context, better than the reality? Maybe there's something wrong with the reality. Something wnorg with the cxontet.

Open Cloze

A _______ art critic drew this painting. He put our building in this painting. Can you see there's a black, tiny mountain? That looks very fit into this painting. However, in this reality, our design was being challenged that it looks so different from the surroundings. And they asked me to modify my design, either color or _____, to make the ________ fit the context better. So my question was, why it fits this traditional, you know, natural context, better than the reality? Maybe there's something wrong with the reality. Something _____ with the _______.


  1. wrong
  2. shape
  3. chinese
  4. context
  5. building

Original Text

A Chinese art critic drew this painting. He put our building in this painting. Can you see there's a black, tiny mountain? That looks very fit into this painting. However, in this reality, our design was being challenged that it looks so different from the surroundings. And they asked me to modify my design, either color or shape, to make the building fit the context better. So my question was, why it fits this traditional, you know, natural context, better than the reality? Maybe there's something wrong with the reality. Something wrong with the context.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
cubic space 3
modern buildings 2
fish tank 2
real building 2
beautiful nature 2
urban towers 2
hand sketch 2
opera house 2

Important Words

  1. art
  2. asked
  3. black
  4. building
  5. challenged
  6. chinese
  7. color
  8. context
  9. critic
  10. design
  11. drew
  12. fit
  13. fits
  14. modify
  15. mountain
  16. natural
  17. painting
  18. put
  19. question
  20. reality
  21. shape
  22. surroundings
  23. tiny
  24. traditional
  25. wrong